Medicalnewstoday suggests that a sufficient hydration routine, enhanced with a splash of lime, could offer numerous health benefits. Among these are the potential to aid in kidney stone prevention, promote skin health, manage weight, and deter various cardiovascular diseases.
The tangy hint that lime imparts may incentivize individuals to increase their water intake. This consequently enables them to fully harness the health benefits derived from drinking lime water.
To further guard against heart disease and related complications, the CDC advocates for a balanced diet comprising fresh fruit, with an emphasis on citrus fruits such as limes.
Can Regular Drinking Of Lime Water Help People With Heart Diseases
In a comprehensive review and meta-analysis of observational data conducted in 2020, the American Heart Association Journal presented noteworthy findings related to lime water and heart health. The data aligned with the idea that increasing fruit intake could lower the risk of heart disease development, with citrus fruits like limes appearing to provide optimum benefits.
However, the pivotal role citrus fruits play in mitigating the risk of heart disease needs to be substantiated by further clinical research, caution the researchers.
Still, leveraging the appeal of limes could be a palatable approach to boost daily water consumption. Adequate hydration is crucial for the body’s overall health, including heart function, and particularly for lowering the risk of heart disease.