In Nigeria, especially in the eastern part of Nigeria, garden egg is a common vegetable.
As healthy is the fruit, so is the leaf.
Garden egg leaf is packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which the body needs to stay healthy.
These are just a few of the many benefits.
1. 1.
By filtering blood and eliminating unwanted substances, the natural cleanse of your kidneys is achieved by using garden egg leaves. They are more effective when consumed raw or converted into a tea by boiling for a few seconds and then filtering out the juice in a metal container; this juice or liquid can then be taken three times per 24 hours or more.
2. Improves eye vision
Garden egg’s cream-colored flesh has a pleasant bitter taste due to small amounts of nicotinoid acid alkaloids.
Its soft consistency protects against glaucoma and improves overall vision.
3. Fighting cancer
Research has shown that polyphenols found in eggplant can prevent cancer. Garden eggs contain anthocyanins as well as chlorogenic acid, which protect cells against damage from free radicals. This prevents tumor growth and spread.
It was also demonstrated that anthocyanins have anticancer properties that include the prevention of new blood vessels forming in the tumor, the reduction of inflammation, as well as blocking the enzymes responsible for cancer cell spread.
5. Uses as a blood tonic
People who have a low blood count or are anaemic can use the egg leaves from their garden as a blood-tonic. It is best to obtain the fresh leaves and wash them in cool water. Then, you can either eat the leaf raw or squeeze the juice.
6. 6.
Drinking boiled egg leaves from the garden during pregnancy has many health benefits. It provides vitamins and minerals that are essential for both mother and baby’s good health. This can help provide propEr development, prevention of birth defects, and ensures healthy weight for the unborn child.
7. Aids digestion
It aids in digestion, and can help reduce symptoms such as constipation or gastrointestinal problems. It aids in digestion, maintaining the digestive tracts, constipation reduction, and proper digestion.
8. Lower blood sugar
This is a great choice for diabetic patients as it lowers blood sugar and glucose absorption. It is also rich in low-soluble carbohydrates which aid in this endeavor.