World Malaria Day is observed annually on April 25 aims to bring global attention to the efforts being made to bring an end to malaria thereby encouraging stakeholders to take action.
It also aims to keep malaria high on the political agenda, mobilize additional resources, and empower communities.
The theme of World Malaria Day 2021 is “Reaching the zero malaria target.”
Here are some keys facts about malaria.
1. Malaria is the 3rd leading cause of death for children under five years worldwide, after
pneumonia and diarrhea.
2. Malaria affects 3.3 billion people or half of the world’s population, in 106 countries and territories.
3. It is the 2nd leading cause of death from infectious diseases in Africa, after HIV/AIDS.
4. Almost 1 out of 5 deaths of children under 5 in Africa is due to malaria.
5. Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, and Uganda account for nearly 50% of the global malaria deaths
6. It is a major public health problem in Nigeria where it accounts for more cases and deaths than any other country in the world.
7. Malaria is a risk for 97% of Nigeria’s population. The remaining 3% of the population lives in the malaria-free highlands.
8. There are an estimated 100 million malaria cases with over 300,000 deaths per year in Nigeria. This
compares with 215,000 deaths per year in Nigeria from HIV/AIDS.
9. Malaria contributes to an estimated 11% of maternal mortality in Nigeria.
10. Malaria is transmitted all over Nigeria; 76 % of the population live in high transmission areas while 24 % of the population live in low transmission areas.