It is so beautiful how when love happens, it clears up all the bad memories and replaces them with amazing, heartwarming ones. Sometimes, we tend to doubt love, especially if we’ve had some not-so-fine experiences. However, love remains true and proves itself in due time! Now, we’ve got Chidinma and Nonso’s love story reinforcing this belief.
The love birds found their “happy ever after”, thanks to Nonso’s persistence and their mutual friend, Romeo. Everything about their pre-wedding shoot has us in our feelings. We absolutely love how evident their love is and how they look at each other? Oh so beautiful! The satisfied smiles on their faces have us blushing hard too. They both tell their love story and it will definitely make your day! Keep scrolling to see.
Check out all the photos from their pre-wedding shoot below.

How We Met
By bride, Chidinma:
Now, this is a story about faith which I think would encourage other Christians out there. Permit me to go to church for a minute. I had just come out of an engagement that I struggled to let go of because “everyone knew.” I didn’t know where to start from. Deep down, I knew the relationship wasn’t for me. But I blamed God for bringing him my way and publicly shaming me.
I eventually decided to let the relationship go and trust God. 2 weeks later, my friend’s husband who knew everything that was going on reached out to me on WhatsApp and asked “Are you finally single?” I took about 5 minutes to muscle up the courage to type “yes.” He then goes “Date my friend na?” In my head I was saying to my self, “does this guy know what I just went through or what I’m coming out from?” So I ask him what friend. He goes “the friend I asked you to help him find a wife in August.”

I paused for a minute and went back to our chat and looked at the picture again of the guy he sent me a couple of months back. Then I said to him, “this picky guy that was specific about the wife he wanted? Fair, tall, 28, from Anambra with a good heart?” I had written that guy off because in my head I said this guy would never find a wife. I was very hesitant but then I replied to my friend’s husband. “Please don’t give me any rubbish guy because I don’t have any energy left for heartbreaks.” and he said, “you’re my sister, don’t worry. This guy is a sure guy.” I said to myself, “It’s time to get back in the game.

So I gave him permission to give Nonso my number. Literally, a couple of minutes later, Nonso messages me. “Hi this is Nonso, Romeo told me a lot about you and I can’t wait to meet you.” There I was thinking, “See this rubbish Igbo boy, where do you know me from that you can’t wait to meet me?” Lol… Anyway, I replied Nonso the next day and we started talking. This sounds so cliche but it felt like I had known Nonso for the longest time. We would stay gisting about everything till 2 am and trust me this is a big deal for me. Because anyone that knows me knows that by 10 pm, I’m in la-la land. Nonso told me about his intentions and I paid no attention to him. One day, he told me to go to God and ask God specifically to show me if he’s the one or not. He further told me that God is our father and when we ask, He answers.

I did and what God did, blew my mind away. God took me back to my journal specifically April 2020 where He asked me to write down all the qualities I wanted in a husband and this might sound untrue but Nonso ticked every single box. It took me several minutes to get my self back because I just wrote the list not believing I would get everything. I remember that day when writing the list. I was saying to my self, “I’m just writing so I’ll say I wrote”. I told Nonso about it and he laughed and replied, “Once has He spoken, twice have we heard”. For the longest time, I couldn’t tell anyone because the story was too good to be true. I asked myself severally. “Who would believe me? Everyone will think I’m mad.” Surprisingly my parents believed me. Nonso came and paid my bride price on the 31st of December 2020. From there I got the courage to tell my friends and the rest is history.

Here’s how Nonso tells it:
My friends always teased me about being the king of bachelors because they assumed I never wanted to settle down. I always said to them “when I find my wife I would know.” My friend Romeo tried several times to link me up with “a good wife.” However, I never paid any attention to him. He got engaged in August 2020 and called me to tell me the good news. Out of excitement, he told me about his wife’s closest friend that helped him plan the engagement and how everything went smoothly because of her. He just kept on blowing her trumpet and kept telling me how great a person she is and her heart is the best he’s ever seen. I then asked him why he hasn’t introduced us and he goes “she’s engaged.”

I still asked him to send me her picture and when he did I was so crushed. This girl is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on and she wasn’t available? I expressed my disappointment and told him that if she’s as great as he says she is, she’ll have lovely friends as well seeing as his wife was her closest friend. Fast forward to October 2020 I get a call from Romeo. I pick up the phone and he goes, “guy e be like say God don butter your bread o.” When I asked him how far, he told me Chidimma is no longer engaged. The way I ran to send her a request on Instagram, I don’t think I’ve ever done anything so fast in my life.

I told him to talk to her for me so I can have the chance to talk to her. She agreed and he sent me her number. I sent her a message and she didn’t reply till the next morning. After 3 days of talking to her, I understood what Romeo meant. I mean I know Chidimma is very beautiful but her heart is the most beautiful thing about her. I told her I wanted to marry her. She laughed and told me to go and sleep. I didn’t want to put pressure on her but from then on, that’s what I kept telling her. One day, she asked me why I was so persistent and I explained to her that I knew she was the one after the third day of speaking to her. I always told my friends that when I meet my wife, I would know and I knew that instant.

She asked for my spiritual convictions and I told her. I also told her that I’ll be coming to Lagos the next week to see her as it was Romeo’s court wedding too. When I saw her, I was even more convinced. As I left for Port-Harcourt, I sent Romeo’s wife the money to buy her engagement ring. On the 30th of December 2020, I asked her to be mine forever and she said YES.

Bride: @premium.pie
Makeup: @lynazmakeover
Photography: @weddingsbyyjpictures | @kunlelaniyan
Planner :@3003events