
How to prepare Onugbu Soup ( Bitter Leaf Soup)

How To Prepare Onugbu Soup ( Bitter Leaf Soup)
Onugbu soup, one of the delicacies of the South eastern part of Nigeria is made from bitter leaves; the herb responsible for the ancient African living long, and healthy; with strong, white teeth and a sturdy and powerful manhood that could impregnate the lot of several wives, simultaneously(laughs). Don’t forget that scientifically, bitters have been proven to be immune boosters and help with resistance against cancer and all. Try it and see! Wash the onugbu, so it doesn’t taste too bitter and try to drink it’s water right after, to savour the taste.
The fun part of making this soup these days is that you can use whatever type of thickener you prefer. Personally, I like Ofor. My mother prefers cocoa yam and my aunty prefers the oat meal blend. The best way to make and season this soup is by using ogiri(local seasoning made from fermented melon seeds or locus beans ). Forget that ogiri stinks oh! But it adds so much flavor to the soup.


Half lb meats(chicken or beef)

1lb stock fish

1 large dry fish(washed and set aside for cooking)

4 tablespoons crayfish powder

3 tablespoons dry chili powder

100mls of palm oil or 2 cooking spoons

1 Habanero(ata-rodo)(crushed)

1 cup fresh or dry bitter leaves(washed and choppedwashed )

2 cocoyam(cooked and pounded with palm oil),(you could also try 2 tablespoons ofor or achi powder, or cocoa yam powder, Or half cup oatmeal; smoothly blended with a little water) for thickening


salt to taste

Cooking instructions

Preparation wash the bitter leaves in water, making sure to squeeze and drain until it’s no more bitter; then set aside. If the bitter leaves are dry, simply soak it in hot water and wash; then set aside to use for the soup.


Place the meats and stock fish into a pot. Season with a little salt, 2 tablespoons of the dry chili powder and 2 tablespoons of the crayfish powder.

Pour water to the level of the meats and stock fish and cook until tender(making sure to add more water when needed).

Once the stock fish and meats are tender add the palm oil and cook until the raw taste has disappeared.

Add the remaining dry chili powder, bitter leaves, crayfish and whatever thickeners you intend using.

Cook for a few minutes until thickened; then stir in the dry fish and habanero pepper. Check for seasonings; then cook for about 3 more minutes and set aside. enjoy with any swallow


If using freshly washed bitter leaves, you could add it the last minute; as it’s still soft

Od9jastyles ( Food Recipe )

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